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The Book of Seth

Writer: Seth GarrettSeth Garrett


I, Enos, the son of Seth, do write the record of my father. And I do write it in the language with which he hath taught me from my youth. And I do write the stories he didst tell me from the time when I was young even until his death. And I bear witness that these stories are true because I heard them from his own mouth. And Seth was revered as a prophet among the children of man. Therefore we know that his words are true. I am of the record-keepers and this is my record.

Chapter 1

1 Now it came to pass that in the time of the beginning Adam did have much seed. Yea, Eve did bear unto him many children. And after the manner of time Cain did slay Abel. And there was much sorrow and grieving in the land.

2 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth. And Adam glorified the name of God; for he said, “God hath appointed me another seed, instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.”

3 And now Cain did keep watch of this child of Adam. For Satan did say unto Cain, “This child is the destined one. He has come to avenge his brother’s death. By him and his seed shall thee and thy seed be persecuted.” And Cain did fear this prophecy.

4 And now Cain, being under the oath of Satan, did have others join unto him in this oath. Yea even his brother Encor and also his son Irad. And now Cain fearing the prophesy did speak unto they of the oath. And Cain did say, “Brethren, I pray thee, let one of you be sent unto East Eden for to slay the son of Adam, even Seth. For Satan has warned me of him as the avenger of Abel. And I fear lest Seth shall become more powerful than us all.”

5 And when Irad did hear these words he did volunteer himself saying, “Let me go, Father, and I shall slay this nuisance – this child of the prophecy.” And Cain was in agreeance.

6 And now Irad did carry with him an single blade, even a knife of much sharpness. And Irad did run forth on the earth with much swiftness that he might travel unto the land of East Eden. And he being the swiftest of the sons of Cain, did soon come into the land of East Eden.

7 And now Irad, being a son of Cain, did carry the mark of Cain. And he was dark. And Irad, seeing how he was different as to be marked separate from the sons of Adam, saw that it would be difficult for him to enter into the lands of the people of Adam without gathering much attention. Therefore he did plot to strike at night.

8 And now when night had come Irad did search the city for the newborn son of Adam, even Seth. And the guards of the city did notice Irad’s movements about the city. And the guards did call out for his arrest. And when Irad did hear the guards swiftly approaching he did flee the city.

9 And it came to pass that Irad did hide among the forest bushes and did find a dwelling within a tree. And when the guards came for to search him out, they did find no one. Therefore Irad did remain.

10 Now on the morrow Irad did plan another strike, for he did trust in his swiftness, and in his cunning with the knife, and in his stealth in the night.

11 And now after realizing the positions of the guards, Irad did come in from the river pass. And now the river that passed through East Eden was calm and pure. And Irad did take to swim through the river so as not to be noticed by the guards above.

12 And now through his cunning he did enter into the village and into the site of many tents. And, of course, the head tent was that of Adam. For this was the pattern wherewith they did assign placement.

13 And now Irad did approach unto the tent of Adam, himself being very cautious and stealthy. And determined not to make a loud appearance, he did encroach upon the tent of Adam even until he was about it’s curtains.

14 And now Irad did creep forth till he caught hold of the flap of the tent. But even as he did enter the tent a cry was heard! Even the cry of a baby or an infant awakened in his sleep. And by this cry were Adam and Eve awakened only to see Irad flee before them. And now Adam did call out to the guards for the arrest of this intruder. And the guards did charge after Irad with their spears. But behold Irad was too swift in his flight even that he was fled out of the land and did return unto his father Cain.

15 And when the people of the oath did hear of his return they did marvel. And none did dare return for the people of Adam were mighty and wise in all regulations. Neither did any dare to enter the lands of the people of Adam, for their suspicions had been aroused. And upon seeing any of the people of Cain, they would arrest for purposes of discovering their intent.

16 And Eve, fearing that evil should be brought upon her son, fled into the wilderness for a time to nurture her son in peace. But in six months and three years of time did return unto the land with her son.

Chapter 2

1 And now it came to pass that Seth did grow and become strong. Yea, he did also grow in the wisdom and in the power of God. For he was like unto his father in all things.

2 And Adam did teach Seth all things. And God revealed himself unto Seth, and he rebelled not, but offered an acceptable sacrifice, like unto his brother Abel. And it was according to the line of the priesthood.

3 And Adam did prophesy unto Seth saying how this same priesthood, which was in the beginning, shall be in the end of the world also.

4 And by them their children were taught to read and write, having a language which was pure and undefiled.

5 And a book of remembrance was kept, in the which was recorded, in the language of Adam, for it was given unto as many as called upon God to write by the spirit of inspiration;

6 And a genealogy was kept of the children of God. And this was the book of the generations of Adam, saying, “In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him.”

7 And it came to pass that Seth did learn from the mouth of his father. And Seth did learn of the things of the Garden of Eden. And he did learn of paradise.

8 For Adam did tell Seth all things concerning the Garden of Eden. He did tell how the flowers grew naturally and beautifully after their patterns. He did tell how the animals did play most playfully and that there was no cause for violence among the animals. And that all creatures did speak one language. He did speak of the joy and peace of the Garden. And He did tell of how they walked and talked with God, for they were not cast out from his presence. And he did tell of the wonderful varieties of fruits in the garden. And all things seemed to work for their good, to be most desirable for them.

9 And now Seth did greatly enjoy hearing the stories of the Garden of Eden. For he said in his heart, “One day I shall go and shall dwell in the Garden of Eden. For it truly is a paradise above all.”

10 And now when Seth did grow and wax stronger, he did determine himself to travel through the world to see for himself if he might find the Garden of Eden.

11 And it came to pass that he did consult with his father as to the location of the garden. And Adam was sad. And Adam did say, “Do ye not remember the cause of our leaving the Garden? For because of our transgression, we were commanded to leave. For we did disobey the commandments given us. And an angel was placed to guard the Tree of Life, and the entrance to the garden. Therefore how sayest thou that thou shalt go to the Garden of Eden?”

12 And Seth did say unto his father, “Yes. But father, I have not disobeyed the commandments given me. Who knows but that I will be allowed entrance to the garden?”

13 Therefore Adam did show unto Seth the way. And Seth did embark on his journeyings.

14 And now it came to pass that he did travel in a straight course for the Garden.

15 And when he did arrive at the entrance he did see three marvelous angels, glorious beyond all description. Even that it they were clothed in light and purity. And they were armed with power and might. And the one in the middle was a seraphim of the flaming sword. And the two at his side were cherubim. For upon the seraphim was flaming white armor and shield as to exceed the brightness of the sun; yea and a flaming white sword, to exceed the power of lightning.

16 And Seth was sore afraid, even that he did not dare approach unto the angels. And for many hours did Seth remain and hide at the borders near the entrance. For he was stunned and awed by the presence of the angels.

17 And after many hours did he gain the courage to approach unto the angel. And the seraphim did cast his gaze upon Seth. And Seth did cower before the seraphim.

18 And the angel said unto him, “What desirest thou?”

19 And Seth did cover his face and fall to his knees before the angel. And he durst not open his mouth. For he feared greatly.

20 And the angel said unto him, “Fear not, I am thy friend. And now I tell thee that I know the desires of thy heart. For thou desirest to return and live in the Garden of Eden. Thou hadst heard of the wonderful things of the garden from your parents and thought that you might dwell in a state of paradise.

21 “But when Adam had partaken of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, I came down with the armor of God. And bearing the sword of God I did stand forth to defend the Tree of Life. For my sword doth turn every which way to guard the fruit thereof. And the Lord banished Adam from the garden, swearing that they should, from this time forth, eat by the sweat of their brow, that they should multiply and replenish the earth. And this that they might obtain a remission for that which they had done. For they truly had transgressed the commandment of God when he spake saying, “Of the fruit of the trees of the Garden of Eden thou shalt freely eat, but of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil thou shalt not eat, for in the day thou eatest thou shalt surely die.”

22 “And because thou, O Seth, have claimed that thou hast not transgressed, thou hast thought that thou mightest come here to dwell.

23 “But knowest thou not, O man, that hadst thou been in the place of Adam, thou would have also transgressed as he did? Therefore, in what can ye boast?

24 “Even so, because thou hast been born of Adam, thou hast knowledge of good and evil as he does. And if thou wert to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, the time of thy probation would have an end. And the time of thy repentance would have an end. And thou wouldst have become as the gods, knowing good from evil and also obtaining a perfect tabernacle of immortality, yet still unprepared for the glory thereof.

25 “For behold, if Adam had put forth his hand immediately, and partaken of the Tree of Life, he would have lived forever, according to the word of God, would have had no space for repentance; yea, and also the word of God would have been void, and the great plan of salvation would have been frustrated.

26 “And being immortal, he would be forever imperfect and forever in sin. And thus we see, that there was a time granted unto man to repent, yea, a probationary time, a time to repent and serve God. A time to improve.

27 “For after eating of the Tree of Life, there can be no more repentance. For is not God the same yesterday, today and forever? Therefore the Gods cannot repent. The time of their probation has passed. They are unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity.

28 “Now the Lord, knowing the calamity that would befall the earth shouldst an imperfect and unrepentant man become immortal as the Gods; therefore the Lord gave unto me commandments that I shouldst defend the Tree of Life, even if so as by fire. This I do, wearing the whole armor of God; even with the sword of God, which I do turn every which way.

29 “And now, can an evil tree bring forth good fruit? Or can a fallen man bring forth that which is not also fallen? And if a tree be cast out of my presence, shall not also branch thereof be cast out of my presence? And behold, all those born to the imperfect and fallen also have a fallen and imperfect nature. This was the thing that thou didst not understand. But all imperfection can be made perfect. Understand ye now why ye are not now permitted to enter into the Garden of Eden?”

30 And Seth did say, “Yes, I understand.” And now Seth was amazed, but asked still, “How is a man made perfect?” And the angel said, “Only in the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, which is the Son of God, shall resurrection be brought about. And by this resurrection shall man be perfect in body. And only by the sufferings of the Lamb of God shall the remission of his sins be brought to pass. And by this remission can man be perfect in spirit.” At these words did Seth remain silent.

31 And now the angel did say unto him, “Now go to. Return unto thy father and tell him of the things which I have said unto you. And now because of thy uprightness before God, and thy great desires, and thy efforts to obtain these blessings, I shall give unto you a promise and a blessing.

32 I prophecy unto you that thy time shall soon come when I shall no longer be needed to keep the way of the Tree of Life. Yea, verily the time soon cometh when the great Garden of Eden shall be destroyed, even if so as by fire. For Satan, the great serpent, shall soon deceive all things within the Garden of Eden, leaving it defiled before God. And at the time when Satan shall cast his dwelling upon the garden, then shall I go forth to destroy the garden with my sword aflame. And though Satan shall fight against me, he shall not prevail against me. For I have on the whole armor of God.”

33 And Seth heard this and was sorrowful for he did not desire The Garden of Eden to be destroyed.

34 And the angel said, “Fear not, Seth, thou favored of the Lord, for in the last days, Eden shall rise again and thou shalt be there to see it.”

35 And Seth was comforted at these words.

36 Now the angel then said, “My armor is the whole armor of God, with which Adam, thy father, fought against Satan before his life on earth. It is also the armor which shall destroy Eden. Yet it shall be stored up until the last days. And then shall it bring back Eden. It is the armor which cut Satan before the world was, and also the armor which shall cut Satan at the end of the world.

37 “Now when the time comes that I shall go unto Garden of Eden to cut it asunder and to destroy it by fire, then shall I return unto my Father who is in heaven. But for thy sake, and for the sake of thy posterity, I shall leave behind the whole armor of God. For when the Tree of Life is destroyed, there shall no longer be a need for a flaming sword to guard the way.

38 And it being a thing of the earth, it shall stay with the earth till it shall be brought to full purpose in the last days. For when Michael descended from heaven he brought with him the full armor of God. And it was with him in the Garden of Eden, yet he beheld it not, and it was forgotten from his memory. Therefore tell I this unto thee.

39 And now, when the time comes, I shall leave the whole armor of God upon a rock. Thou shalt go unto Eden to obtain these things. Then shall more commandments be given unto thee.

40 And now this is the great promise and blessing which I give unto thee, that when thou findest thy life at stake, yea and the life of thy family members, and the lives of those ye love, then shall ye remember what I have said today. And ye shall know that these things are prepared and are waiting for thee. And then shall thy power come, which was from before the world, unto the saving of many souls.”

41 And at these words, Seth was in wonder and did leave from before the face of the angels and did return to the dwelling place of his father.

42 And Seth did tell all these things unto his father. And they did marvel at the sayings of the seraphim.

Chapter 3

1 And now many years came and passed. And Adam, the father of all mankind and ruler of East Eden, issued a decree that all men everywhere should come to gather together in celebration. For the two hundred and thirtieth year had come and Adam desired to have all his children before him.

2 For the children of Adam had multiplied and spread forth upon the land. Even so much that there had been stories of men from distant lands, even men of the giants. There had also been heard stories of Cain, or the children of Cain, even the Cainanites. It had been heard how they were a dark people, for they had joined unto a people that Adam knew not. And they had gone against the ways of the Lord, even so much that they did reject all of the prophets sent unto them.

3 But even so, Adam issued forth his decree, calling for all his children to be gathered together in East Eden. And this is not to say they that lived in Eden, but rather that they lived in the land east of Eden.

4 And Adam spent the remainder of his days, from that time forth, tilling the fields and obtaining herds of animals of every kind. For all animals were known unto him, for he had named them according to his language.

5 Which language is the language with which he spoke with God in the garden, and the language that the great serpent spake to Eve with. For the language was called the Adamic language. And this is not to say that it was of Adam, but of God.

6 For God truly spoke face to face with Adam, and by him Adam learned all things. For the spirit of God was with Adam and his mind was quickened unto all things. And the language of God flowed through him, even so much that he spake and named all the creatures of the world according to the language of God.

7 And it was this same language that he spake unto his children, and the language that they spake unto their children.

8 But it soon became apparent, when the children of Cain had arrived in the valley of East Eden, that the language of the Cainanites had become corrupted. For they no longer spake in the pure language of their fathers, but nevertheless, they and the children of Adam both spoke and understood one another.

9 So thus the children of Cain had returned to the land from whence he came. For after Cain had slain Abel, he had been marked with a curse that all may know his sin. Therefore he fled to the land eastward, and the land southward. And behold the land was cursed, withersoever he went. Even so much that the land would not yield forth her fruit. And this stirred up contentions among the children of Cain, how they might obtain food in such a land. Therefore they turned unto tools of war that they might slay large beasts. This that they might not perish in so dry a land. And they did carry water in pots that they might not perish in their travels.

10 And thus there arose unto them prophets, declaring that they must repent or the lands they dwell in would forever remain cursed. Yea, and prophets did prophesy of a great one who would rise to power and would punish them if they would not repent. But these prophets they hunted, insomuch that some were killed. Nevertheless others who had escaped from them did return unto their own lands.

11 But then came word unto the people of Cain concerning the decree of Adam. For Cain was the leader among his people and greatly desired to know more concerning the welfare of his brethren in other lands. For he was curious as to how his brethren had fared in other lands. For he knew that his land was cursed.

12 Therefore Cain caused that his people should gather all that they had and travel to the land westward, and the land northward, even unto East Eden that they might come and see concerning the people of Adam. For from the time Cain was cursed, the people of Cain had been separate from the others of Adam’s children, therefore the others of Adam’s children are called the people of Adam.

13 But Cain, knowing that all men knew of his sin, prepared his people with weapons of war, insomuch that he should be protected. For he feared lest the brethren of Abel would seek vengeance.

14 Therefore in the two hundred and thirtieth year of Adam, all of Adam’s children on the face of the earth came to see Adam. For behold, the number of the multitudes were exceedingly great. Evensomuch that their camps did cover the land, even from horizon to horizon.

15 And behold the people of Cain did cause quite a stir, for they did arrive on great beasts, bearing weapons of war and the beating of drums. And the people of Cain did camp in their place, even so much that their people did fill their place and encroach upon the boundaries of their neighbors. And behold this did cause much tension between the children of Adam, for the people could not accept their brethren, evensomuch that they would not speak one with another. And Adam saw this and was sad.

16 Now after all the camps of men had arrived in the valley, Adam proclaimed that all should rest. And this they did on the first day.

17 On the second day, Adam declared that there might be a day of great gift giving, evensomuch that all might receive of the treasures of their brethren. And behold there were great treasures given this day. And the people of Cain did offer their great beasts which they had conquered. And many of the people drank wine in celebration on this day. Even all the people did give freely one unto another.

18 Then on the third day Adam caused that a grand feast should be held that all might come and eat of the beasts of the land. Lo, and some brought forth great spices with which they did spice the meat. For this cause there was much celebration in the land, for all did consider the feast to be delightsome.

19 Now on the fourth day Adam caused a great celebration to take place where all the fairest daughters of the land should come forth to dance for the multitudes. For Adam desired an help meet for his son Seth. For Seth had truly grown to be like unto his father, even unto becoming perfect in every way. For this cause, Adam favored Seth, yea, even above all his other children. Insomuch that he caused a gathering of all the people upon the face of the earth, that he might find a bride for his son.

20 Now when all the fairest daughters of the land had come forth, Adam caused them to dance for all to see. And behold, each came, in her time, to dance before Adam. And Adam beheld that they were fair. But unto some, Adam turned his gaze, for they danced as they ought not and their apparel was of no effect, for their body was not clothed as it should be. And of these Adam gave no consideration.

21 But one of meek apparel, full of humility and reverence, did come forth and dance before Adam. And Adam found that she was the fairest in all the land. For she did not utter foul words, nor did she dance as she ought not. But this, she clothed herself as an angel, respecting unto herself that which God had given her.

22 And when Adam inquired after the woman, he found her name to be Tera. And he found her to be of his first son, Shen. This did please Adam for he did know of Shen’s uprightness. For behold Shen was of Adam’s first sons and had labored many days in Adam’s fields and with Adam’s flocks. And from such Adam never received any complaint, though he worked longer for Adam than any of his other children.

23 Now it came to pass that after the celebrations of the day, everyone returned unto their tents. And Adam called for Seth, and Seth came. And Adam spake saying, “Of all that thou hast seen today, know ye in whom thou desirest for marriage? For behold, whomsoever thou asketh for, her shall I give unto thine hand.”

24 And Seth did say, “Whomsoever thou desirest for me, in her do I desire. For I trust not in my own judgment which is the foolishness of youth. But I do trust in thy judgment. For thou art the most ancient of days and thy wisdom hath been my support from my youth. Yea, and thy words have been as my rock. And now, if I am called to make as great a decision as this, who am I but to call on thee for advice.” Now this did please Adam, for Adam desired Tera to be an help meet for his son. And Adam did discuss all these things with his son. And he found his son agreeable in all things.

25 Now behold Tera was of the men of the tents near unto the people of Cain. Even that their camps were nigh unto each other. And behold, Berock, the son of Cain, had set his eyes upon Tera and desired her to be his wife. Now behold Berock knew it would be a hard thing to obtain one such as Tera, considering the contentions between their parties. So Berock did go forth unto his father, Cain, and did inquire of his father how he might obtain Tera to be his wife.

26 Then whispered Satan unto Cain, saying “If thou cause Seth, the son of Adam, to die, I will surely deliver Tera into the hands of thy son.” And Cain was troubled and said unto Berock, “If thou killeth Seth, the son of Adam, thou shalt surely have Tera to be thy wife.”

27 Now Berock was very pleased, for he considered murder to be easy. For he was a man, not unfamiliar with war. Therefore Berock caused him and his brethren to arm themselves and prepare to kill Seth in the night. And Cain refused to join in but said, “This battle is not for me. You must make it your own victory.”.

28 But when Berock and his men attempted to leave at night they found it difficult to approach unto Adam’s tent unseen. For there were many guards with torches in the night that they might see all the camps. Therefore Berock returned unto his father’s camp, but to devise a better plan.

29 Now when the morning was come on the fifth day, Adam declared it to be a day of conversation, that all might speak in friendship one with another, that all might be edified thereby. On this day, caused Adam, Tera and some of her close kindred to come nigh unto Adam’s tent that they of Adam’s tent might speak with those of Tera’s kindred. Therefore did they pair off that they might have their conversations one with another.

30 And Seth did speak with Tera. And thus they did have their conversations, one with the other. And Adam saw that it was good. And behold Shen did come and speak with his own father, who was Adam, and told him of his successes in the land and how greatly his children had been blessed of the Lord. And this did cause Adam great gladness, for Shen was a favored son unto him. Now behold, Adam did love all of his sons, but some he favored because of their good works.

31 And now, behold, Adam and Shen did approach unto Seth, who was with Tera, and found them to be in agreeance, yea, their countenances were joyous for each other. And this did please Adam and Shen, for they knew of the other’s goodness. And Seth did ask Shen for his daughters hand in marriage. And Shen was amenable and in agreeance.

32 Now for this cause proclaimed Adam that the sixth day should be a day of preparation for the marriage of his son Seth, unto the daughter of Shen, even Tera. And then did Adam cause that they should return unto their tents, both Shen, Tera, and their kindred. This that preparations might be made.

33 Now when Berock, the son of Cain, received word of this, he was very wroth, insomuch that he determined in his wrath that he would not only slay Seth, but all them of the tent of Adam. Now this did please Satan, for he knew that by his craft he might destroy many.

34 And now, Berock, being of a clever sort, devised a plan for the destruction of them of Adam’s tent. Now he knew of the guards in the night, therefore he durst not go in the night. So he determined they would attack in the day. And knowing that the marriage would be on the morrow, Berock began quickly organizing a sizable team for to attack that very day.

35 Now their weapons of war were mainly spears of a sort. And Berock desired not to be seen with spears, therefore he designed to wrap many spears in bundles covered in animal skin. These would travel on the backs of their great beasts. And thus did Berock and some of his brethren, insomuch that they began to walk towards the tent of Adam, leading on their great beasts.

36 And now the tent of Adam was in the middle of the valley. And as they did so, some of the people asked, “For what cause lead ye the great beasts to the tent of Adam?” And Berock did say, “For to bring gifts for the marriage.” And by this lie and great deception, Berock began his attack upon those of Adam’s tent.

37 Now Seth, living with Adam all his days, never having engaged in warfare, neither had he killed with any manner of weapon. Therefore he knew not how he should defend the tent.

38 Now when Berock and his brethren had invaded the tent of Adam, the people of the tent of Adam did flee. Yea, and Adam and Eve did flee from the rear of the tent. And so did Seth. And for this cause Seth did have great remorse, saying, “Oh that I had been a man of war, that I could have stopped this great destruction!” For many of the servants of the tent did perish by the hand of Berock and his men.

39 And now Berock did echo a war cry as they threw down the tent poles and uplifted the stakes. And the guards did gather for to fight this disturbance of the peace. And Berock caused that they might slay the guards who tried to stop them. And thus Seth was filled with indignation at the sight, insomuch that he did almost return to give justice. But Adam did pull him away from the scene as they fled to safety.

40 Now the guards, having alerted the people to the attack on Adam’s tent, caused that all the men of Adam to be gathered to stop Berock. And Shen, being one of the leaders, caused Berock and his brethren to be imprisoned.

41 And Adam, seeing Shen at work, said unto his wife Eve, “I shall return to the valley to insure proper judgment.” Thus he left them in North Eden and traveled back down the valley.

42 And now Berock was heard wailing and gnashing his teeth in his prison. Now this thing did anger the people of Cain, for they would not allow one of their own to be imprisoned. Therefore the people of Cain at and among the place of their tents did gather their weapons of war and began an assault on their neighbors, who were of the children of Shen. Now, they having the advantage, began slaughtering the people of Shen. And after seeing their great success, the people of Cain desired to take prisoners, for in their mind, they thought they might exchange the prisoners for Berock and his brethren.

43 Now in the process of obtaining prisoners, Cain saw Tera, the desire of Berock. And Cain, desiring Tera for his son, did capture Tera and called for all his people to retreat back into the wilderness. For Cain feared that all the children of Adam would unite against him. And now this was done on the sixth day, while all they of the children of Adam were preparing for the wedding of Adam’s son.

44 Now when the people had all received word of this, there were many who were provoked to anger, desiring to follow them into the wilderness and bring death upon them. And others desired to exchange prisoners so that Tera could be brought back, for she truly had won the hearts of many of the people.

45 Yet the people, in their disagreements, did nothing.

Chapter 4

1 And now, Seth and Eve had fled northward and westward out of the valley and past the river. And they, not knowing the happenings of the valley, thought it not safe to return for fear of the violence being done to their tent and the servants about the tent.

2 And Seth, knowing it was dangerous to stay in the valley, feared greatly for Tera, for he loved her greatly. For this cause, prayed Seth late into the night, hoping for the safety of the children of Adam, but more particularly of Tera. And as he prayed, he heard a voice in his mind and his heart say,

3 “Fear not for thy family, yea, even for the woman that thou lovest, there is no man that hath left his house, or parents, or brethren, or hath lost his wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come crowns of eternal lives in the eternal worlds, which is life everlasting. Yea, if thou art faithful, thou shalt obtain kingdoms, principalities, and powers. Yea, and if thou art faithful thou shalt obtain power to save them, even those whom thou lovest. But do so with haste, else the powers of Satan obtain an advantage. For behold Satan does not rest, neither do his angels, for they are always working for the destruction of man, both in body and spirit. Therefore, cross the rivers and go unto Eden. And I shall be with you, to help you. And then shalt thou obtain the whole armor of God, unto salvation, for both thyself and all of the children of Adam.”

4 And then his mind was opened. And he remembered of his experiences at the entrance of the Garden of Eden. Yea, he did remember clearly all the words of the angel. And knowing that now, he truly did find his life at stake, yea and the life of his family members, and the lives of those he loved.

5 Therefore did he make preparations to head to the Garden of Eden. For there were the things waiting for him. And then should his power come, which was from before the world, unto the saving of many souls.

6 And now Seth went forth. And he did leave his family and travel westward. And Satan saw it and was displeased.

7 And Seth did travel in straight course for the Garden of Eden. But before Seth there was a wide river. And Seth began to cross the river. But behold, as he crossed there was a great storm of darkness, which did cover the land. And because of the storm, the water did rise and push forth upon him, and the coldness thereof did chill him, evensomuch that he thought he would make his grave there in the river. But the spirit of the Lord was with Seth, and strengthened him.

8 And now, behold, Satan did rise up from the water before Seth, and tempted him saying, “Behold, I am Lucifer. Worship me and I will save you from this watery grave.” And now, Seth, being strengthened of the Lord, resisted him saying, “I know the Lord and it is in him I shall trust, for I know he will not let me perish. For he hath commanded me to cross this river. And I know that the Lord giveth no commandment, save he shall prepare a way that it may be accomplished.” And at these words, Satan left.

9 Then did the storm clear and Seth did cross over to the west side of the river. Now at this time did Seth rest, for his travels thus far had been exceedingly wearisome. And as he rested, Satan did come before him again and showed unto him an vision saying, “Behold all of the most beautiful women of the earth, these give I unto thee if thou will but worship me.”

10 And now Seth, perceiving the women of the vision, said unto Satan, “I will not worship thee, thou Satan. For I know the God in whom I have trusted. And he is great and good. And to some he giveth and to some he taketh away, and I will accept whatever I am given by his hand. For I know that he loveth me and that whatsoever is given unto me shall be for my good.” And at these words, Satan departed.

11 And Seth did regain his strength and did travel westward, even that he did cast his gaze upon the entrance of the Garden of Eden. Then did Satan return unto Seth, tempting him, saying “Look upon the future of Eden.” And Satan did show unto him a vision of a great and powerful city, clothed in riches, and said, “Behold, I will make thee ruler of such if thou but worship me.”

12 Then spake Seth, “Depart from me, thou Satan, the devil and the deceiver of all. For I know thy ways and that thou givest no good thing unto them that follow thee. But great is the Lord who giveth grace unto all, for through the Lord, I shall be as a king forever.”

13 And at these words, Satan was wroth, and the earth began to shake. And the devil commanded him saying, “Worship me, thou son of Adam!”

14 And Seth resisted him saying, “Depart hence, Satan!” Then the earth did quake before him and did cause him to fear. And again Satan commanded, saying, “Worship me!”

15 And again Seth spake, raising his hand, saying, “In the name of the Lord, I command thee to depart.” Then did Satan depart and the earth did cease its quaking.

16 And now, Seth did rest for some time. And he did sleep for the night. And on the morn he did continue towards the Garden of Eden. And Seth’s eyes were opened. And he saw how Satan had cast his dwelling upon the Garden of Eden. And how all things therein were perverted by his great deception. And Satan did so that he might obtain the fruit of the Tree of Life. For immortality was a gift greatly to be desired by Satan.

17 Yet, the angel stood by, guarding the fruit of the tree. But Satan did rise up against the angel with an host of spirits. And right when all seemed to be lost, the angel did raise his sword into the air. Yea, even with power did he raise his sword. Yea, and as he did so, fire from the heavens did descend upon the sword. And it did light upon the whole armor of God that the angel was covered with flames ten-fold.

18 And as the forces of darkness surrounded the angel, the angel did lower his sword, even that it did fall down upon the Tree of Life. And the Tree of Life was destroyed in an instant. And the flames of the sword did explode forth and did burn upon the whole garden as if in an instant. Yea, and all the forces of Satan were blasted back by the heat of the flames. Evensomuch that they did flee from before the angel.

19 And by the power of his flames was the Garden of Eden destroyed. And when the angel saw that the garden was destroyed, yea, and that the Tree of Life was destroyed, he ascended unto heaven, leaving the armor of God behind. For behold, the armor of God was to be left upon the earth that it might fulfill prophecy. And Seth saw where the armor was, for it did lie in the midst of the destruction upon a rock, yea, even nigh unto the place where the Tree of Life had been.

20 And now, Seth, did find the Garden of Eden utterly destroyed, even as if by fire. And now this did cause Seth sadness, for he desired to live as did his father and mother in the garden. But nevertheless, it was according to the will of God

21 And he saw the remains of the great garden. For it was as rubble. And Seth did go forth, and did obtain the armor of God, and also the sword of God. And he heard as it were words from heaven, saying,

22 “Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?

23 “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For thou wrestlest not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

24 “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

25 And Seth did put them on, to wear them. And now when Seth had done this, the Holy Ghost was upon him. And the sword of God became alit with fire.

26 Then came the Lord in a cloud, comforting Seth, saying, “Be of great cheer, thou son of Adam! For behold, a greater place than Eden is in store for thee. Even thou shalt be made a king. For behold, I am the ruler of all. And unto those I trust give I power to be kings in their own realm. For behold, all kings must be kings of kingdoms. Therefore a kingdom give I unto thee. But fear not for thy brethren, for behold, I rule over many kingdoms. And there is room enough for all to be kings, if they would but repent and come unto me. And there is no limit to the end of my kingdoms, for behold, there is no limit to the number of my creations.”

27 And at these words, Seth did bow down before God and worship him.

28 “Behold, thou has been tempted, yet thou hast chosen me over Satan. For thy courage and obedience in this life, thou shalt be given power in this life. And behold, if Satan ever come unto thee again, thou shalt have power against him.”

29 And Seth saw that he did have great power. And he did run forth on the earth with speed. And he was strengthened that he was not wearied. And as he ran, he had returned unto the river. And Seth did perceive the water. And he did know that he had power over the water. Therefore he did run over the water as if it were glass. And Seth did have much knowledge given unto him, for behold, where ere he looked, his mind did know of all things that pertained to the direction of his sight. Therefore did he run a straight course towards the land of Cain.

30 And now, Seth perceived that Tera had been captured of the people of Cain. And he feared for her life. But a greater thing was happening. For Seth looked on the southern borders of the land and saw great armies, yea, great armies of giants. For these were men of large stature. And he saw how the people of Cain did unite with the giants, and did march forth unto the valley of East Eden. And Seth did fear for the lives of the people. And Satan, and all the hosts of his angels did gather with the people of Cain, and with the giants. And they did strengthen them with the power that spirits possess. And behold they did form a large army, even so large that all of the children of Adam might be destroyed.

31 And Seth saw how some of the people of Cain did camp on the eastern borders of the land and withhold their prisoners. And these did not march forth unto battle. And when Seth saw this he wondered what he should do. For if he ran unto Tera, of the prisoners, he might not save the people of Adam. Yet, were he to fight with the people of Adam on the southern borders, Tera wouldst be without help. And he did perceive that Tera was being tortured by the people of Cain because she refused to bow down unto their idols within the tent of the prisoners. And this did cause great fury and indignation within Seth. But then he saw the people of Adam, and how their women and children did cry for their husbands and fathers who were soon to perish by the hands of the giants, and also the hands of the people of Cain with their large beasts.

32 And for this cause did Seth run speedily towards East Eden. For he thought unto himself, “Would I sacrifice all these that I may save one unto myself?” Therefore did Seth turn his course and run unto the valley. And he beheld all the armies of Cain and of the giants descend into the valley. And Seth saw the power of the giants, yea and also of the people of Cain. And Seth saw how the people of Adam were being slaughtered unto death, even on the left and on the right. And it seemed that that all of Adam’s children would soon die.

33 And Seth did run forth into the battle. And the battle did halt, for one carrying a flaming sword had come. And all of the armies were amazed at the sight. And the people of Adam did rally behind Seth. And Seth did march forth among their ranks. And he did smite the giants, that their arms did fall to the ground. Yea, that their clubs could have no effect. And he did smite the people of Cain upon their beasts, yea, and by the power of his sword aflame he did slay them. And the people of Cain were angered. And they did shoot sharp darts and throw large spears at Seth. And Seth did raise his shield, and it began to light aflame. Yea, and as he did, power and energy did extend from the shield so that nothing could pass by it without burning into ash. Therefore all their darts and arrows did fail. And the armies of Cain did swarm around Seth, even as did the giants. And Seth thought that he might perish, for there was no escape. Then did he remember what the angel had done. Therefore did Seth raise his sword, even as he had seen the angel do in the garden. And the armor of Seth did light aflame ten fold with a pillar of fire coming down from heaven. And the power of god was upon Seth.

34 And Seth did lower the sword even that he did smite the earth. And a blast of heat did issue forth, yea even so much that 2,000 were burned in an instant, and they became as ash. And when the people of Cain saw how much power had been given unto Seth, they did flee from before him. Yea, and the giants did flee for their lives.

35 And for this great victory did all the people of Adam cheer. For they had been saved from utter destruction. And the people of Adam were amazed that they had not been destroyed by the fire. And Seth, fearing for Tera, did run forth unto her, for he knew that she was in danger. For even now were the people of Cain preparing for her destruction. And because she would not lie down unto their idols, they sought to make her a sacrifice to their gods. And Seth, running upon the ground, did run a straight course for Tera. And Seth saw how they were readying for her death, yea they would soon slay her and offer her as a burnt offering. And Seth did cry unto the Lord for strength. And being alit with fire, yea all of his armor already aflame, these flames were doubled. And he did run forth with the speed of an angel, insomuch that he did cross much distance in short time.

36 And when he had arrived at the place of Tera’s imprisonment all they of Cain that were without the tent fled at the sight of this flaming warrior. And Seth did attend to Tera, finding that she was still alive. And when Seth had found Tera, he found her faint. For she had seen how he had come in power to slay, not knowing who he was. But the other prisoners of the people of Adam did stare in amazement and fear at the sight of Seth. And Seth did sheath his sword. Then did the fire upon him cease.

37 And Seth did take Tera by the hand. And Tera rejoiced at his presence, knowing now that it was Seth. Yea, and all of the prisoners, which the people of Cain had captured, did rejoice in Seth, saying “Now is our salvation and redemption from bondage! Great is our God who hath given Seth such great power to save!”

38 And the remainder of the people of Cain within the tent that had not run away did mourn and cry. For their fear of Seth was great. And they did beg Seth to have mercy on them, and not slay them by the sword.

39 And Seth did look to Tera, his wife, for to hear her judgment.

40 Then Seth did, in his mercy, grant unto the people of Cain freedom that they might return unto the land of Cainan. And they did flee back to the place of their people. Then did Seth walk with Tera unto his own people in East Eden. And they did have pleasant conversation. And when they arrived in the valley, Seth caused Tera to be returned unto the remnant of her people.

41 And now when Adam heard all that had been done, he rejoiced and said, “The Lord hath preserved us. Therefore we shall celebrate for the marriage of Seth and Tera.” And Eve had safely also made it home and did rejoice in Seth’s presence. And behold in the evening of the seventh day since the gathering of all the people.

42 But Cain, who had been hiding about in the land did take this opportunity to visit the prisons of Adam. And with the key and the word did every sealed door open unto him. And Cain did rescue Berock and his brethren from prison. Therefore did they quickly flee out of the land during this time of marriage and celebration.

43 And behold Adam did take Seth and Tera up into an high mountain. And there they did perform the sacred and eternal ordinance of marriage. And Seth was married unto Tera. And all the people wondered after the power of Seth. And they were returned to their tents.

44 And then came the Lord unto Seth in a dream saying, “Use not the armor of God, nor the sword of god any longer. For behold, thou art not invulnerable, and wicked men shall pursue after this power. Yea, and even now doth Satan entice men unto the obtaining of this power. Therefore, hide them up in an ark. Keep them a secret from the world. For these shall last until the end of the world. And the very sword which destroyed Eden shall also be the sword to raise her up at the last day. Therefore preserve them that they might be used by my servant in the last days.”

45 And Seth heeded the word of the Lord, building up unto himself an ark made of wood. And in this ark placed he the whole armor of God. And unto his sons would he reveal this secret which God had shown unto him. And unto only the righteous would he entrust the mystery which the Lord hath prepared from the foundation of the world that it might be brought to pass in the last days.

46 For Seth knew of the power that Satan should have at the last day, even so great a power that none would be able to stand except them with the whole armor of God.

Chapter 5

1 And after Seth and Tera were married, the people that had gathered into the valley of East Eden did return unto their own lands. And now, when Berock had returned unto his own people, they did tell him of the great power of the angel of fire. And this did intrigue Berock and he inquired more unto the matter. And he learned that it was Seth that was the angel of fire.

2 And when Berock heard this he was jealous and desired this power unto himself. For he thought to obtain this great power and also to obtain Tera as a wife. And Berock knew of Satan’s promise, “If thou killest Seth, thou shalt have Tera to be thy wife.” Therefore, thought Berock, that he might slay Seth with Seth’s own sword of fire.

3 Now Berock, being of a clever sort, began to devise up a plan to return unto the valley of East Eden. And now, Berock did stir up his people to anger against Seth and the people of Adam. For Berock desired the support of his people in this matter. And the people were angry with the people of Adam and did desire to follow Berock.

4 And Berock caused his people to bring forth their riches. For he thought to make the appearance of gift bringing. For he thought that the people of Adam would believe that they desired forgiveness. But this was not the case. And now Berock was pleased with his designs. For he knew the people of Adam would be pleased with great gifts. Now Berock knew that his designs would be of no avail if they could not find the sword to obtain it, or if the sword was wielded against them. Therefore Berock formed a plan. And being pleased with his plan, he did begin his journey towards East Eden with many of his brethren.

5 And now, behold Seth was warned in a dream, for he saw, as it were wolves in sheep’s clothing. And they searched among the sheep. And behold Seth sought understanding. Therefore he told his father of the dream. And his father said, “Hide up the ark which thou hast made, for this is what the wolves are searching for.” And Seth went and did according to the voice of his father.

6 And now, behold, after some days, Berock and his brethren had come unto the borders of the valley. Then did they send messengers unto the people of Adam, that they had come seeking forgiveness, bringing gifts. Now by this time had Seth forgotten of his dream. And even Adam also. And Adam was pleased with Berock and his brethren and allowed them to enter into the valley.

7 And now, many of the people of Adam were upset by this, for behold, now that all the people on the earth had left, the number of the people of Adam was small. Nevertheless, they were still a greater number of people than the number of Berock and his brethren.

8 And now, when Berock had entered into the valley, they set up camp and declared that there would be seven days of gift giving. And now when the first day had come, they did give gifts unto the leaders of the people. Even great and desirable gifts of much value. And now, the leaders of the people were much pleased.

9 And now Berock did cause much friendly communication with the leaders of the people. And all of Berock’s brethren knew to inquire after the fiery sword, but yea, not so much as to arise suspicions among the people of Adam.

10 And now, when the second day had come, they gave gifts unto the men who were not leaders. And they searched the people for those who would help them. And behold, one of the men of the people of Adam had great desires for riches. And behold, Berock and his brethren did befriend him and entreat him to great foods. And when the man, who was named Naman, was drunken, they convinced him to be their spy. Yea, and also their spokesman. And Berock instructed Naman in all that he should do. And Naman was pleased, for he had been promised great treasures.

11 And now when the third day had come, Berock and his brethren brought forth gifts unto the wives of the people, and also unto the children. And Naman did go forth unto the tent of Adam and did observe all the comings and goings of the people about that tent. And now, Naman did discover that one called Zapeth was an brother unto Seth. And he seemed of a devious sort, insomuch that Naman sought to persuade him, by riches, to seek information about Seth’s sword. Now Zapeth, when he had heard of the sword, was curious and desired to know of it and of its power. Therefore Zapeth did agree to seek after the sword.

12 Now Zapeth, being brother unto Seth, went unto him privately and desired of him concerning the sword. And Seth, trusting his brother, told him of the sword and of its power. And Zapeth was intrigued and spied on his brother, hoping to determine the location of the sword.

13 And now the fourth day had come, and gifts were given unto those of the tent of Adam. And now Zapeth had received a sword unto himself as an gift. Therefore Zapeth went unto Seth to discuss of his new sword. And Seth was happy for Zapeth. And Zapeth, desiring to see Seth’s sword, did challenge his brother to a match with swords. And Seth came not with the flaming sword, but with a regular sword of dullness. And Zapeth was displeased.

14 And then came the fifth day of gift giving, and great gifts were given unto Seth. And of great worth was one gift of diamonds. And now, Seth, determining that his gifts were of great worth, did desire to hide them up with his armor and sword. Now Zapeth, spying on Seth, did watch him leave the tent. And Zapeth followed aways off.

15 And Seth did travel out unto a great tree, whose roots were large. And Seth did lift up a root of the tree, revealing a large box of wood, buried at the root of the tree. In this box Seth placed his treasures. And Seth, fearing that he might have been seen, did cast his gaze about, and Zapeth hid.

16 And when Zapeth had obtained such knowledge, he did seek out Naman, for to tell him of his great findings. Now when they had found one another, Zapeth revealed the location of the box, on condition that Zapeth would receive great treasures. And Naman was agreeable and sought for Berock, desiring riches in exchange for knowledge of the location of the sword.

17 Now when Berock had heard what Naman had to say, he was much pleased. And Naman was given gifts for his success in obtaining knowledge of the sword.

18 And in the night of the fifth day, Berock and a few of his brethren did seek unto the tree where the treasures of Seth were stored. And now, finding the box made of wood, they did open and find the whole armor of God, yea, and also the sword of god. And when they had done thus, they did take the box unto their camp in the night. And behold, their camp was much pleased and celebrated well into the night.

19 And when morning had come, they did sleep. And Seth, discovering that his treasures had been taken, he caused an army to be formed. And the army was sent unto the camps of Berock, for to encompass them round about. And Berock did arise forth and put on the armor of God, yea and also the sword of god. And the people of Adam did say, “We know that thou art treacherous and that thou hast come here with evil intentions. Therefore have we come to imprison thee and thy brethren.”. Therefore Berock’s brethren did gather around behind him in preparation for war. And Berock did say, “Not without much bloodshed!”.

20 And behold, as Berock unsheathed the sword of god, all did behold how it did begin to glow with black fire in the hands of Berock. But Satan was with Berock. And the flames of the sword were covered in darkness, rather than light. But Berock did stand as if he could not die, though being surrounded by the people of Adam.

21 And when the people of Adam saw it, they feared greatly. And when the brethren of Berock saw this, they cheered, for they were convinced that they would soon conquer the people of Adam.

22 And now, when Berock had beheld the power of the sword in his hands, he did mock the people of Adam, saying, “Who is mightier now? Where is Seth, thy leader? For can he save thee now?”

23 And the people of Adam did shoot forth their arrows and their stones, that they might slay Berock and his brethren. And Berock did raise his shield, and it became increased in black flames. And all the arrows and stones that passed by it were burned in an instant.

24 And now, the people of Adam were amazed at the power Berock did have, even that it was like unto Seth’s power. Yet, they did march in towards Berock and his brethren that they might slay them with the sword. And Berock did raise his sword of darkness into the sky. And dark fire did light upon his armor. Then did he smite the earth as he had heard being done by Seth. And now, when he had done this, the power of the dark flames of the sword did explode forth from Berock. Yea, even flames of darkness. And behold, many of the people of Adam were slain in an instant by the flames of darkness. Yet most of the people of Cain were spared. And Seth did reason that this was because the power of the devil did protect the people of Cain from the flames of darkness.

25 And the people of Adam were exceedingly frightened, insomuch that they did retreat and flee from Berock and his brethren. But some of the people of Adam did hold their ground.

26 And now, Berock, seeing the destruction he had caused, and also seeing the power he now had, was exceedingly pleased insomuch that he did shout forth for Seth, saying, “Where is Seth, the prince of the people? For has he hid from the fight? Is he not the one that should save you?” And Berock desired to slay Seth.

27 And now no one did say a word. And Berock grew impatient saying, “If you tell me where Seth is, I will spare your lives, and you shall be our slaves. But if not I shall slay you all with the fire of my sword!” And the people held their silence.

28 And now, Berock was furious at their silence. Therefore Berock did have his men search out the closest relatives of Seth from among the ranks of the men of Adam. And Berock did lay his hands upon the brother of Seth, even Zapeth. And Berock did say unto the people, “Until Seth comes forth to face me like a man, I shall torture the brother of Seth, even to the death.” And Berock did pierce him slowly with the black sword of fire. And darkness did surround Zapeth. And he did scream in horror. Therefore Berock was much pleased.

29 And Seth, rising up from the men of Adam, did come forth. And he did not wear kingly armor, nor a princely sword. Yet, he did march forth. For Seth was exceedingly sorrowful that the armor of God and the sword of god had fallen into the hands of the wicked. Therefore did Seth feel that he would sacrifice even his life, if it were to preserve the people of Adam.

30 Therefore did Seth come forth, saying unto Berock, “Here am I, even Seth. And I have a word to say unto thee. Doth thou know what thou doest?” And Berock, at a disadvantage, said, “I wear the armor of fire which thou didst wear against my people. Now prepare I myself to slay thee and all of thy people!”

31 And Seth did say, “But doth thou know what thou wearest? It is the full armor of God. Thinkest thou that thou, being evil, can use the powers of God for wickedness and not also be burned?” And at these words did Berock tremble, for he saw the awful state of his spirit. For the darkness of the flames were as the powers of Satan and they had sunk into his soul.

32 And Berock did regain his face and did lift up his head and say, “Who art thou? I am as a god! And thou art but stubble beneath my sword.” And at these words did Berock lift up his sword high in the sky for to slay Seth. And a pillar of black fire did descend down from the sky upon his sword and his armor.

33 And Seth did kneel down before the Lord in humble prayer before the enemy of all righteousness. And Berock did laugh aloud saying, “Look ye people of Adam, for your savior now doth worship me. Therefore all of ye shall bow likewise or else I shall lower this fire upon you all!!!”

34 And now some of the men of Adam did bow down before him. And others were hesitant.

35 “Yes! Bow down! And worship me!” Berock said in a frenzy of zeal. And with one hand holding up the black fire sword, with the other hand did he extend forth to all the multitude saying, “Bow to me!” And some did, in the weakness of their hearts, fall down and worship him.

36 And in Seth’s heart did he pray saying, “O Lord, thou hast all power. I beseech thee, give unto me power that I may defend thy people from the powers of darkness. For I know of my imperfections, but I also know that through thee I can be made perfect.” And the Holy Ghost did descend upon Seth in the shape of a dove. And there were many who did bear witness of it, but there were also many whose eyes were not pure enough to behold it.

37 And Seth did arise from his kneeling position and did face Berock with much confidence.

38 And Berock did say “Defiest thou me and my power?” And Seth did make no response. And at this did Berock grow angry with a fierce anger. “Then die by my power!” Berock said as he let the sword fall upon Seth. Evensomuch that great black fire was released upon him.

39 And all the multitude were aghast. For Seth was blown back insomuch that he flew across the plains, him being blasted by so great a sword and so great a fire. And he was blasted aways away, more than is possible for man to survive. And the smoke of dust did arise around the place of his fall. And Berock laughed at the sight.

40 And when this had happened Berock looked upon the multitudes and said, “See, there is your savior, dead in the dust. Now you shall all worship me! I shall be your god and you shall serve my people. Now worship me!!”

41 And more of the people of Adam did bend the knee and bow down before him. Yet some few remained faithful and did not bow.

42 And Berock did single out they who would not bow down before him. And he brought them all to the front. And he said unto them, “Why do ye defy me and my power? Know ye not that I have slain Seth, and shall slay all who defy me?”

43 And they said, “We will stand firm. We know the God in whom we have trusted. For it is better to die in the service of the one true God, than to live in betrayal of Him and his Righteousness.

44 And then did Berock grow in fury and say, “There is no God besides me!” And he did lay down the sword of fire. And the blackness of the fire did consume all they who would not bow down unto Berock. And the people of Adam did see their own cowardness and were moved to sorrow for them who lost their lives for their faith.

45 And one among the sons of Adam did arise. And he did refute Berock saying, “You can kill our leaders, and you can kill our great men, but you can’t kill our faith!” And many did take courage at the words of this man. And many did arise with him. Even until all did arise. And Berock was dumbfounded. Yeah, all of his brethren were in awe.

46 And then rumbling was heard over where Seth had fallen. And the rocks did crumble as he did arise from the dust. And Seth did again stand upon his two feet.

47 And all eyes were turned unto Seth, for a holy fire did form upon Seth, evensomuch that it did cover him. And this fire did form upon him a white fiery breastplate, helmet, skirt, and boots. And a white fiery shield and sword. Even till it looked as if Seth was covered in flaming armor, yea even of whiteness. Yea, all of these things were formed upon Seth by the power of the Holy Ghost.

48 And Seth ran at Berock, and he did run with the speed of an angel. And the black fiery sword did fall upon Seth, but he did defend himself with the shield of the Holy Ghost. And all the black fire was repelled back by the shield.

49 And then did Seth lay forth his sword as to smite Berock. And he did respond with his shield. And the white fire was repelled back.

50 And now their swords did clash. Yea, and the clashing thereof was of an exceeding brightness of power.

51 And thus did they fight, as titans, having the powers light and darkness. And with the shield of the Holy Ghost did Seth block Berock’s attacks. And with the shield of darkness did Berock defend against Seth’s attacks. And their swords did clash, and all the people round about did hurriedly back away from the scene as they all did witness a great battle in awe.

52 And Seth did raise his sword to the sky, even that the flames of whiteness upon him did double in power. And Seth did bring down his sword upon Berock. And the blast thereof was exceedingly bright. And behold, the brightness of Seth’s sword did remove the darkness from Berock’s sword. Yea, the brightness did remove the darkness from Berock’s armor. And the power of Satan with fled. And now, Berock, being left to himself, was burned in an instant. Yea, and the armor and sword thereof did fall to the earth. Yea, and many of the people of Cain were burned in an instant by the fire of holiness. Even so much that all that remained of them were as ash.

53 And then did the white fire cool off from Seth’s body leaving him to himself. And Seth did collect the armor of God that had fallen to the ground where Berock had perished. And thus the armor was restored unto Seth. And he did put it on receiving his flames once again. Now the remainder of the people of Cain were frightened and did flee from before Seth. Yet Seth determined to not allow his men to pursue them.

54 And all the people of Adam were amazed and fearful, and did return unto their own places. And from this time forth did Seth seek more diligently to keep the secret hidden from the world.

Chapter 6

1 And now, after Seth had been married unto Tera, she conceived and bore him a son. And many more children did she bear unto him. And one of the sons of Seth, namely Enos, had grown to be a righteous man, like unto his father. And unto Enos did Seth reveal the secret. And the secret was the oath and covenant of the armor of God, which was after the order of the most high God. And behold, Enos did respect all that his father did say. Evensomuch that he did covenant that he would not reveal the secret for evil purposes. Nor would he use the armor and sword against the will of God. And now, behold, when Seth saw the faithfulness of his son, Seth rejoiced and praised God saying, “The Lord hath given me a faithful son who will follow in all the ways of the Lord.”

2 And now the people of Adam, in the land of East Eden, had grown to be a large people under Adam. And men began to explore unto other lands, visiting the settlements of the others of the children of Adam. And great nations began to grow forth in other lands. And wars began to spring forth, causing great contentions among the people of Adam. And Adam was filled with sorrow when he considered the state of his children upon the earth. Therefore desired he to speak unto all his children. And the news was spread abroad upon the earth that Adam desired to speak unto his children.

3 And it was the 927 year of the people. And many of his children did begin to return to East Eden. But behold, many were hard in their hearts and would not go unto East Eden. For they had rejected the traditions Adam had wrought among his children. And they thought in their hearts, “Adam is old and knows little concerning the things of new. His words are of little value.” But others, knowing of the faithfulness of Adam, said, “Come, let us go and listen to a prophet. For behold, he will speak unto us all the words which God desires him to speak.”

4 And now a great many people did gather unto East Eden. And Adam did behold that none of the children of Cain had gathered unto East Eden. And this was because of the legends that had come among them, fearing the power of the god of white fire. But seeing the multitudes before him, Adam began to speak unto them saying, “Behold, I am Adam, the father of all mankind. I am he who walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden, on the east side of the land of Eden. I am he who transgressed and was banished from the garden. I am the father of your fathers. I am the one who gave unto them commandments from the Lord.”

5 And now at these words were the multitudes in awe, for the spirit of God did descend upon the multitudes testifying that Adam truly was a prophet of the Lord. Then Adam spake, “For behold, God doth whisper unto me all the words which I shouldst speak. And he speaketh unto me commandments which I shouldst give unto you. And this is for a wise purpose in him. For behold, when God created the earth, he waited until the earth would obey. And when he created the sun, moon, and stars, he waited for them to obey. Even when he created the plants of the field, yea, and the creatures of the forest, yea and even the fish of the sea, he waited for them to obey. Know ye not that this is the purpose of all the creations of God? And that God is waiting for all of mankind to obey?

6 “For behold, if man will not obey God, he must obey the devil. If he will not obey righteousness, he must obey wickedness. If he will not obey order, he must obey disorder. For behold, it is not natural for man to obey righteousness, neither is it natural for him to obey order. Yet that is what God requires of us. For behold, it is an easy thing to do what is natural. But this life is not meant to be easy. Therefore, listen and obey, all ye people of the earth. For the natural man is an enemy to God.

7 “For I tell unto you that ye must love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength. For all those that love God will seek to learn of his ways. Then will they seek to follow his ways. And the ways of God are as one path, both straight and narrow, leading to the place where God dwells. And no man can dwell with God, save through this straight and narrow path. And the way to follow the path is to, first, learn the path, or learn the commandments of God. And then to, second, follow the path, or keep the commandments of God.

8 “But none of these things can be done save a man first believe in the Lord their God, and in his Son, and in the Holy Ghost. Yea, believe that they exist. Yea, feel in the depths of his heart a knowledge of their truthfulness. Yea, then this man must feel of his own worthlessness in the sight of God, yea he must humble himself to the dust and acknowledge his imperfection before his Maker. After this commeth sorrow for sin and the desire for righteousness. Then commeth repentance which is to change one’s ways.

9 “Yea, and all these things must be done by faith in the Lord their God, yea faith in his power unto salvation. Yea, and these things must be done with love for their God and love for all men. Yea, and there must be hope in and through the atonement.

10 “Then commeth diligence in keeping of the commandments of God. Then commeth diligence in serving God and all men. Then commeth doing all that we can do. Then commeth grace, or the power of God. Then commeth hope, for we hope to continue in righteousness. Then commeth faith, for we believe we can continue in righteousness. Then commeth charity, for we have compassion for the fallen man. Then commeth happiness, for we know that our obedience pleases God and that our reward shall soon come. For behold, all blessings are given through obedience to the commandments of God. And we shall grow grace upon grace until we are lifted up at the last day.

11 “Therefore declare I unto you that ye must not kill. Yea, and ye must not steal. Ye must not lie. Ye must not commit adultery. Ye must not covet. Ye must not worship idols. Ye must not speak evil. Neither must ye think to do any of these things, neither to do anything like unto them. For behold, it is given to all men to know good from evil. Therefore justify not thyself when thou desirest to commit sin. Wherefore ye know what is sin before ye do it. For all sin is disobedience to God’s commandments. To him that desireth to learn more of the commandments of God, to the same will be given more knowledge.

12 “And I speak unto you, that ye must bring forth an offering of thy flocks, yea even a first born male, unblemished and without an broken bone. This that thou mayest make a sacrifice to the Lord. And ye must also offer up thy prayers unto the Lord thy God. In deed, ye must also keep the Sabbath day holy. Yea, and ye must not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Yea, and ye must teach unto thy children these things, for behold they are true and faithful.

13 “Now behold, if ye keep these commandments, ye shall find happiness. Yea, and if ye do not keep these commandments, ye shall have sorrow. For behold, there is no happiness in wickedness. Therefore be wise. For the time soon cometh that the whole face of the earth shall be covered in sin. Yea, so much so that all they upon the earth shall be destroyed. Yea, and this because they choose not to love the Lord their God and choose not to follow the words of the prophets. Therefore their destruction is nigh. Teach your children these things that the time might be delayed.

14 “And behold, some shall remain after the destruction on the earth. And they shall multiply forth until the last days when destruction shall come once again upon the face of the earth. And now behold, I testify that the first destruction shall be by water and that the last destruction shall be by fire. Now this is in similitude of baptism, another of the commandments of God.

15 “For behold, when a man desireth to enter in upon the path of righteousness, he must be baptized. This baptism, being by immersion into the water, is a commitment to keep the commandments of God. Then after this baptism comes the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of hands. And now this Holy Ghost is in the similitude of fire. And now baptism is to be cleansed from sin. So shall the earth be cleansed. And the gift of the Holy Ghost is to have the power of holiness with you. So shall the earth have the power of holiness with it in the last days.

16 “And now, baptism cannot be done, save through authority and power. And this authority and power is called the priesthood, and it comes from God. And it is given unto all men worthy of such. And behold, God has given me the priesthood. And I have given it unto my sons. And they have given it unto their sons. Therefore, seek to obtain the priesthood, for all that live by their priesthood will be exalted at the last day.

17 “And is this not the only way? And is this not the only gate and entrance to the kingdom of heaven? And is not this the only key and word under heaven that can open heaven and bring it unto you? And is not the prophesied Christ the only name under heaven whereby this authorization may come? Is not Christ the only being in the universe that can save your soul? And now, all that he doth ask of you is that you continue to follow upon his path by hearkening unto his appointed prophet.

18 “And now, is not this the only path under heaven that shall lead to perfection? For save it be by Christ there can be no perfection. Therefore, if there was no Christ, all things should remain in misery and incompleteness.

19 “And now I prophesy unto thee that in the meridian of time, one like unto God shall come and be born upon this earth. Yea, and he shall be the savior of all mankind, offering himself as an sacrifice unto God that all mankind may be forgiven of their sins. And this is the cause of our offerings, to remind us of the time when God shall come to save all. For behold, he shall suffer for our sins, yea more deeply than we can imagine.

20 “Therefore, let us remember to keep the commandments of God so as not to increase his suffering on our behalf. And a warning I give unto you, no unrepentant soul shall enter the kingdom of God. For behold no unclean thing can dwell with God. For God cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Therefore ye must humble yourselves to the dust and pray that he will forgive you.”

21 And at these words did Adam rest. And the people did marvel at the words of Adam. And after some time he began again to speak unto the people. And these other words are written in other books. And now after the people had heard all the words of Adam, they did all commit to being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Chapter 7

1 And when all the multitude shouted out their desires to be baptized and enter the path, behold, Adam was much joyous, even to be brought to tears. And Adam spake unto them saying, “The Lord is much pleased this day. Yea, great is the rejoicing in heaven when they on earth do choose to repent. Yea, and angels do rejoice for each entering in on the path of righteousness.

2 “And now this baptism is in similitude of being born again. For now are ye a new person, changed by the Holy Ghost and prepared to follow the path of righteousness. Now go and keep all these words in your hearts, that ye may not be slackened in the path. Seek the words of God, through scriptures and through the prophets, that ye may not fall away from the path.”

3 And now after they did make the covenant, Adam did expound all things unto them. Yea, even all things from the beginning of time, down until the present time, and even all things pertaining to the future of the earth.

4 And these things are recorded in other books, more especially those books which Adam received on the mount.

5 And Adam did preach saying, “And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet—

6 “Wherefore, it came to pass that the devil tempted me, and I partook of the forbidden fruit and transgressed the commandment, wherein I became subject to the will of the devil, because I yielded unto temptation.

7 Wherefore the Lord God, caused that I should be cast out from the Garden of Eden, from his presence, because of this transgression, wherein I became spiritually dead, which is the first death, even that same death which is the last death, which is spiritual, which shall be pronounced upon the wicked when I shall say: Depart, ye cursed.

8 But the Lord God gave unto me and unto my seed a promise that they should not die as to the temporal death, until the Lord God should send forth angels to declare unto us repentance and redemption, through faith on the name of mine Only Begotten Son and baptism for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

9 And thus the Lord God did appoint unto man the days of his probation—that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;

10 And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not;

11 Therefore, how expedient is it for men to repent!!”

12 And now Adam after expounding all things from the grand beginning did proceed to prophesy concerning all things from the present to the end of the world. And know the records are kept but they are of other records. So of these prophecies we do not keep in this record.

13 But of these prophecies we do know that it must needs be that the Son of God come down and atone for sins.

14 And now Adam did speak of things of the last days. And he did say, “Though there be a first Michael, yet shall there be a last Michael. And though there should be a first Adam, so shall there be a last Adam. And Michael, the seventh angel, even the last Michael, shall gather together his armies, even the hosts of heaven.

15 And the devil shall gather together his armies; even the hosts of hell, and shall come up to battle against Michael and his armies.

16 And then cometh the battle of the great God; and the devil and his armies shall be cast away into their own place, that they shall not have power over the saints any more at all.

17 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!

18 For thou hast said in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;

19 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.

20 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

21 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and shall consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?

22 For this last Michael shall fight their battles, and shall overcome him who seeketh the throne of him who sitteth upon the throne, even the Lamb.

23 And after a manner of time Adam did end his prophesying. And afterwards they did take an accounting of the priesthood. And all with the priesthood were called forward to give an accounting of their doings.

24 And now, the priesthood was after the order of the Son of God, this right given to Adam and was to be passed down by the laying on of hands to as many as would.

25 And from Adam it was passed to Seth, who was already ordained by Adam at the age of sixty-nine years, and was at this time blessed by him, it being three years previous to Adam’s death, and received the promise of God by his father, that his posterity should be the chosen of the Lord, and that they should be preserved unto the end of the earth;

26 Because Seth was a perfect man, and his likeness was the express likeness of his father, insomuch that he seemed to be like unto his father in all things, and could be distinguished from him only by his age.

27 And at this time also did Adam call for Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, who were all high priests, with the residue of his posterity who were righteous, into the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and there bestowed upon them his last blessing.

28 And the people return unto their own lands, some carrying a record of the words of Adam. And now after three years of time, Adam did pass away. And a great many people did gather for the ceremony of his death. And many mourned for the man. And he was given a title, even the Ancient of Days, being the father of all, first man of men to walk the earth. And after the ceremony of his death, the quorum of the priesthood did bury him in that place that was called the Garden of Eden.

29 Seth at the age of one hundred and five years begat Enos. And Seth prophesied in all his days. And he did teach his son Enos in the ways of God; wherefore Enos prophesied also. But these things are written in other books.

30 And the days of Adam, after he had begotten Seth, were eight hundred years, and he begat many sons and daughters;

31 All the days of Adam were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

32 And Seth lived, after he begat Enos, eight hundred and seven years, and begat many sons and daughters.

33 All the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and then he was gone from the land. And it was assumed that he died in the wilderness.



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